Whose God ?!

Is “Allah” the same as ‘Yahweh’?

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Jews, Christians and Muslims all worship the same one and only God; Allah.  Allah is both a reference, and a personal name of The One and Only Universal God, Creator, Provider and Sustainer.  Yahweh is used in The Bible; amongst other Divine Names; in reference to God.  Arab Jews, Christians and Muslims all use the word Allah in reference to The Creator they all worship.

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Whose God ?!

Do Muslims worship the same God of Jews and Christians?

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Yes, Muslims worship the same God of Jews and Christians.  Actually, Arab Christians and Jews use the same word for God as Muslims “Allah”.

In Quran Allah says to Muslims: “And do not argue with the People of the Scripture except in a way that is best, except for those who commit injustice among them, and say, “We believe in that which has been revealed to us and revealed to you. And our God and your God is one; and we are Muslims [in submission and surrender] to Him.” (

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Beauty of Islam

What are the rights of Christians and Jews in Islam?

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Christians and Jews living in an Islamic state are citizens that enjoy the freedom of belief, the freedom of travel and move, work of their choosing and the protection of the state.  In religious matters they are subject to their religion’s laws but in legal matters they follow the state’s laws.  If they do not want to be drafted in the army of the Muslim state they pay special tax called “Jiziah”.

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What Is Islam

How did Islam start?

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Islam started with the beginning of revelation of Quran to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), when the Angel Gabriel appeared to him outside a cave on the outer skirts of Makkah.  Then, Muhammad (PBUH); the last Messenger of Allah; started calling people to the way of Allah over the next twenty three years.

After his death, his companions carried the message and took it upon themselves to propagate the message of Islam to the world.  Till this day each and every Muslim is obliged to call for the way of Allah, each according to his/her knowledge and capabilities.

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What does Islam teach?

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There is a big difference between someone who puts the virus in its right context, and another one who doesn’t. In fact, it is so difficult for anyone to realize the huge laws controlling the universe, on his own. However, the nature of man is arrogance. He is so weak, but so arrogant. Everything around us says there must be a Creator for this universe. Coronavirus comes to tell us there is no time for arrogance. Rather, it is time to uncover the truth inside everyone… There is a Creator; there must be a Day of Judgment.

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Our Existence

What does Islam teach?

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There is a big difference between someone who puts the virus in its right context, and another one who doesn’t. In fact, it is so difficult for anyone to realize the huge laws controlling the universe, on his own. However, the nature of man is arrogance. He is so weak, but so arrogant. Everything around us says there must be a Creator for this universe. Coronavirus comes to tell us there is no time for arrogance. Rather, it is time to uncover the truth inside everyone… There is a Creator; there must be a Day of Judgment.

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Prophets In Islam

What does Islam teach?

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There is a big difference between someone who puts the virus in its right context, and another one who doesn’t. In fact, it is so difficult for anyone to realize the huge laws controlling the universe, on his own. However, the nature of man is arrogance. He is so weak, but so arrogant. Everything around us says there must be a Creator for this universe. Coronavirus comes to tell us there is no time for arrogance. Rather, it is time to uncover the truth inside everyone… There is a Creator; there must be a Day of Judgment.

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